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Low Cost Online Backup

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Why Try Low Cost Online Backup

1. Losing your most valuable files is a very real possibility: every year, 43% of computer users lose irreplaceable photos, emails, documents and financial records.
2. Your files aren't safe unless your backup is up-to-date and stored securely in an offsite location. Fires, floods, theft and other natural disasters can render onsite backups useless.

3. Hard Drive data recovery can be very expensive and time consuming.
4. Carbonite is so easy; it's automatic, continual and won't slow down your PC. Best of all, recovering files from any computer is quick and hassle-free.
5. Everything is secure: your files will be encrypted twice using the same technology as banks, so only you can see your files guaranteed!.
6. Risk-free trial: Try our FREE 2GB backup. No credit ard required.
7. Free account with 2 GB


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